Are you looking for CBD hemp oil in Canada? Did you know that CBD oil is just the tip of the iceberg from this marvelous and extremely versatile plant? Of course, CBD is valuable as a medicinal compound, but hemp contains many more properties worth exploration. You may even find you have some of these in your home as you read this.
Before hemp became the next great idea in health and wellness, it had a long history of use for a wide variety of applications. There are thousands of years of history of people working with hemp to make rope, paper, clothing, and much, much more.
Hemp’s versatility, combined with the 21st century’s technological innovation, means there is an unlimited number of products you can make from hemp. Don’t believe it? Then keep reading about how hemp makes 100’s of products beyond CBD hemp oil in Canada.
The Difference Between Hemp and Marijuana
Did you know that both hemp and marijuana are the very same plant, just different strains? Cannabis sativa L. is an extremely adaptable plant, and over the millennia, humans have bred different varieties for different purposes. For the purposes of this description, we’ll stick to labeling anything with recreational value (THC) as marijuana, although you may also hear it called cannabis.
Marijuana is a type of cannabis primarily bred for flowers and cannabinoid potency. In the past, this has usually meant breeders focused on THC production of the plant, but these days everyone is interested in the secondary cannabinoids as well (CBD, CBN, THCv, etc.). So you’ll find many new strains with a broader cannabinoid profile than strictly THC.
We use marijuana for recreational experiences as well as for its medicinal values. In Canada, marijuana is legal for both, although most countries in the world tightly regulate anything with THC.
Hemp is another type of cannabis sativa L, although it has traditionally had more industrial and commercial applications. Until the CBD oil boom, farmers grew hemp for seeds, oils, fibers, and more. These ended up in heavy industries, consumer goods, and foods.
Now that everyone has CBD on the brain, hemp farmers have pivoted to grow hemp that blooms large, cannabinoid-rich flowers. Hemp now looks a lot more like marijuana than before and is legally differentiated by the THC-content.
Hemp is legal around the world. Canada is a proud producer of hemp. In 2018, there were approximately 70,000 acres of hemp cultivated here, with roughly 20,000 dedicated to CBD oil production.
What Can You Use Hemp For?
Hemp is one of the most useful plants on this plant. Depending on how you process it, almost every part of it is valuable. Plus, hemp is a quick-growing, regenerative crop and much better for our planet than oil-based plastics, or other petrochemicals.
Here are just a few of the things hemp is good for:
Did you know you can build a house from hemp? Hempcrete is a novel construction material made from mixing hemp hurds (woody interior of hemp stalks) with lime. The resulting mixture hardens into something similar to concrete (hence the name). It’s insulating, is structurally quite strong, and moisture resistant. Most importantly, hempcrete uses agricultural waste-product (the hurds) sustainably.
Hemp Plastic
One of the most exciting new products produced from hemp is many different kinds of plastics. These all-natural plastics come from hemp fields and are much more environmentally friendly than conventional plastics that come from petrochemicals. Look out for single-serve cups, plates, and cutlery made from single-serve. Often hemp plastic is biodegradable.
Hemp Clothing
The stalk of the hemp plant contains long natural fibrous material. Using specialty harvesting equipment, cultivators pull out the fibers from the rest of the plant material. With some additional processing, these strong, natural fibers are transformed into soft textiles. Historically, in centuries of old, all canvas sails on ships were made from hemp. Today, even Levi’s has started using hemp in their classic jeans.
Hemp Seeds (or Hemp Hearts)
Hemp seeds look like marijuana seeds you may find in your medical marijuana. Farmers grow certain types of hemp for their bountiful seed production. Once harvested, producers crush the hemp seeds, which releases the tender heart. These hemp hearts are not only delicious but nutrient-dense. Hemp hearts are a good source of protein and essential fatty acids.
Hemp Seed Oil
Another culinary use for hemp also comes from hemp seeds. Producers extract healthy oil by pressing hemp seeds under immense force. The oil contains super-healthy fats, including both Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. It also has several key-trace vitamins and minerals, including carotene, phytosterols, phospholipids, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. Hemp seed oil is edible but is also widely used in skincare and cosmetics.
CBD Oil, Tinctures, and Edibles
Of course, one of the most valuable products produced from hemp is cannabidiol (CBD) oil. CBD hemp oil in Canada, and around the world comes from the plant’s flowers. There are dozens of ways to pull the medicinal full spectrum extract from hemp flowers, including CO2 extraction, BHO, and live resin. You can even buy 99.9 percent pure CBD isolate. Cannabidiol is anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and antipsychotic. It’s used widely for pain, sleep, and mood. There may even be benefits from CBD lube and as a post-workout recovery.
Hemp, It’s Not Just About CBD Oil in Canada
Hemp may be one of the most useful plants on the planet. Its flowers produce CBD and other medicinal compounds. Its seeds are rich in protein, essential fatty acids, and have a healthy culinary fat content. Its stalks are filled with all-natural fibers, perfect for textiles. Finally, the by-product (hemp hurd) is useful as an eco-friendly building material.
If you know about hemp because you buy CBD oil online, you need to learn about all the other amazing things this plant does.