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Which Cannabis Consumption Method is Right for You?

The methods of consuming cannabis have evolved significantly over time, extending beyond just smoking a joint. For both experienced and inexperienced cannabis users, it can be challenging to navigate the diverse options for consumption. Choosing between edibles, vaping, tinctures, topicals, or concentrates can be overwhelming. In this thorough guide, we will discuss the most popular ways of consuming cannabis, their effects, and the factors to consider while selecting the appropriate method. So, let’s delve into the world of cannabis consumption and explore the options available.

Inhalation Methods: Smoking and Vaping

Cannabis inhalation is the most popular way of consuming it due to its quick absorption of THC, the psychoactive component. Smoking is the conventional method of cannabis consumption where the flower is burnt and the smoke is inhaled. On the other hand, vaping involves heating cannabis flower or oil to a temperature that vaporizes THC without burning the plant material.

Smoking cannabis can harm lungs and throat, and can also produce a strong smell. Vaping, however, is gentler on the lungs and produces less odour. Vaping also allows better control of THC dosage as you can manage temperature and THC intake. However, vaping can be costly as it involves buying a vaporizer device and cartridges.

Oral Methods: Edibles, Tinctures, and Capsules

Oral methods of cannabis consumption include edibles, tinctures, and capsules. Edibles are cannabis-infused food products, such as gummies, brownies, and chocolates. Tinctures are liquid extracts that are taken sublingually, or under the tongue. Capsules are pills that contain cannabis oil or powder.

Edibles are popular because they are discreet and easy to consume. They also produce a longer-lasting high than inhalation methods, which can be beneficial for medical users. However, it can take up to 2 hours for the effects of edibles to kick in, and it can be difficult to control the dosage.

Tinctures are also discreet and easy to consume. They allow for more precise dosing than edibles, as you can control the amount of THC you take. Tinctures also produce a longer-lasting high than inhalation methods, but they can be expensive and difficult to find.

Capsules are the most discreet and easy to consume method of cannabis consumption. They allow for precise dosing and produce a longer-lasting high than inhalation methods. However, they can be expensive and difficult to find, and they may not be suitable for those with digestive issues.

Topical Methods: Creams, Balms, and Patches

Topical methods of cannabis consumption include creams, balms, and patches. These are applied directly to the skin and provide localized pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits. They do not produce a psychoactive high, as the THC does not enter the bloodstream.

Topical methods of cannabis consumption are popular among medical users who need localized pain relief. They are also popular among athletes and those with physical jobs who experience muscle soreness and inflammation. However, they may not be suitable for those with sensitive skin or allergies, and they may not be effective for those with deep tissue pain.

When choosing between topical methods of cannabis consumption, consider your needs and preferences. Topicals provide localized pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits, but they do not produce a psychoactive high and may not be effective for deep tissue pain.

Factors to consider when choosing a consumption method

When choosing a cannabis consumption method, there are several factors to consider such as:

  • Desired effects: Do you want a quick onset and short-lived high, or a longer-lasting high?
  • Dosage control: How important is it for you to control the dosage?
  • Discretion: How important is it for you to consume cannabis discreetly?
  • Lifestyle: What consumption method fits best with your lifestyle and daily routine?
  • Medical needs: Do you have any medical conditions that require a specific consumption method?


Cannabis consumption methods have come a long way since the days of simply smoking a joint. There are many methods of cannabis consumption available. You’ll be sure to find one that fits your needs. Visit Lowpricebud.co online dispensary today for all your cannabis needs.

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