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How To Find The Best CBD Oil For Your Cat’s Pain Or Anxiety

How To Find The Best CBD Oil For Your Cat’s Pain Or Anxiety

CBD products have become all the rage for cannabis consumers who want to avoid the potential side effects of THC. Cannabidiol (CBD) interacts with your body’s endocannabinoid system much like THC. However, it’s completely non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t get you high or cause anxiety and paranoia.

Interestingly, cannabidiol isn’t just effective for humans. Research shows that the endocannabinoid system is present in all mammals – meaning that you can also use CBD for your pets. Many cat owners now use CBD products to help with their pets’ pain, inflammation, and anxiety.

However, it’s important to use the right products if you want to issue CBD to your pets. Here’s a guide on how to find the best CBD oil for your cat’s pain or anxiety.

Is CBD Oil Safe For Cats?

CBD or cannabidiol is a naturally-occurring cannabinoid that interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system – a biological system with links to pain sensation, anxiety, memory, sleep, and various other important functions. It’s often extracted from hemp and cannabis plants and infused into various safe and effective products, the most popular being CBD oil.

While many people now use CBD for issues such as pain, anxiety, and insomnia, it appears that CBD can also be helpful for our pets. Since the endocannabinoid system is also present in other mammals, cats and dogs may also benefit from the effects of cannabidiol on the body and brain.

But is CBD oil safe for cats? Although research is limited, current findings show much promise. For instance, a 2019 research review found that hemp-based CBD products appear to be relatively safe for healthy cats and dogs. Other pet studies suggest that CBD safely relieves pain for arthritic dogs and even reduces epileptic seizures.

How To Find The Best CBD Oil For Your Cat’s Pain

Although cats can consume CBD oil safely, it’s important to use the right products. Human CBD products aren’t designed for pets – they contain ingredients that make them more convenient and effective for human consumption. What’s more, they contain dosage recommendations that, while safe for humans, may not be great for your pets.

Fortunately, you can now buy CBD products designed specifically for your pets. These products are safe for your cats to consume and will make the consumption and absorption of CBD easier for them. One of the best CBD oil products for your cat’s pain is Mary’s CBD Pet Tinctures (200MG Feline). You can issue this convenient tincture to their food or even place it under their tongue.

Alternatively, you might want to try Fortify Neutraceutical Pet Oil (250mg). A 250mg bottle will give you plenty for your cat’s pain, but if you want more, you can also buy Fortify Plus Nutraceutical Pet Oil (500mg) or even Fortify Plus Nutraceutical Pet Oil (1000mg). It’s best to give your cats a daily dose of 3-5mg of CBD for every 10 pounds of their body weight.

How To Find The Best CBD Oil For Your Cat’s Anxiety

How To Find The Best CBD Oil For Your Cat’s Anxiety

While CBD oil is commonly used for physical issues such as pain and inflammation, studies suggest it can also help with your mental well-being. A human study on using CBD for anxiety and sleep found that taking CBD daily helped users reduce symptoms of anxiety and improved their sleep.

As such, you might want to give your cats CBD pet oils to help with their anxiety and sleep problems. Mary’s CBD Pet Tinctures (200MG Feline) give you plenty of CBD to give your cats a helpful daily dose. If you want your CBD oil to last longer, you can also buy Fortify Neutraceutical Pet Oil (250mg), Fortify Plus Nutraceutical Pet Oil (500mg), or Fortify Plus Nutraceutical Pet Oil (1000mg).

A starting dose of 3-5mg of CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight is recommended for cats. Issue this dosage to them daily and adjust it accordingly. For instance, if your cat weighs 10 pounds, start by giving it 3mg of CBD per day and raise it to 5mg if you feel it needs a higher dosage.

How To Give CBD Oil To Your Cat

CBD oil is usually ingested by placing it under your tongue and holding it there for a minute to absorb it into your system. However, trying to issue CBD to your cats this way may not work so well. The best way to administer CBD oil to your cats is by adding it to their food – this will ensure they consume it orally.

Bottles of CBD pet tinctures generally come with a dropper, making it easy to measure their dosage and apply it to their food. Mix the CBD oil into their food thoroughly and they’ll ingest it into their system without even noticing.

As for how much CBD oil to give to your cats, it’s best to start with a daily dose of 3-5mg of CBD for every 10 pounds of their body weight. You can then decrease or increase this dosage based on your cat’s needs. You might also want to consult with a vet if you’re unsure about exactly how much CBD you should give to your cat.

How To Find The Best CBD Oil For Your Dogs

Since the endocannabinoid system is present in dogs just as it is in cats, you can also issue CBD oil to them safely and effectively. However, it’s important to avoid CBD products designed for pets and give them the best CBD products for their needs. Fortunately, you can find many high-quality CBD pet products.

The best CBD oil products for dogs include Mary’s CBD Pet Tinctures and Fortify Neutraceutical Pet Oil. Many quantities and types are available, so choose the best one for your dog’s needs. Much like cats, it’s best to start with a daily dose of 1 to 5mg of CBD per 10 pounds of body weight and adjust accordingly.

Pet CBD oils aren’t your only option. You might want to give your dogs CBD pet treats instead. Products such as Harmony Nutraceutical Pet Treats and Vitality Nutraceutical Pet Treats are designed to be delicious for your pets while also giving them a generous dose of cannabidiol. This makes it even easier to give your beloved pets a daily dose of CBD.

How To Find The Best CBD Oil For Your Dogs


Cats can consume CBD safely and effectively. However, it’s important to use the best CBD oil for your cat’s pain or anxiety. Your dogs can also use CBD, but once again, it’s important to use the best CBD products for dogs. You can find a range of high-quality CBD products for pets along with plenty of other top-notch CBD and cannabis products for humans at Low Price Bud.

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