Cats are very sensitive to external stimuli. They often interpret sounds, sights, smells and taste as a threat to their territory or their safety. They also tend to be drawn towards things that make them feel calm — like the smell of jasmine or lavender for example. Cannabis is one external stimulus that most cats react well to — in addition to being able to offer your kitty some much needed pain relief. In this article we will discuss how you can give your cat cannabis for pain relief, along with several methods and advice on how best to go about it…
Understanding Cannabis
Cannabis is a compound found in the hemp plant. It’s been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years, including in China and India. It’s used to treat a wide range of conditions, including pain and anxiety in humans. Cats are different from humans in many ways, but most importantly is the way that they perceive pain. For humans, the experience of pain is very subjective and highly personal. Some people feel pain as a sharp, piercing sensation, whereas others feel pain as a throbbing ache. When cats experience pain, they don’t ‘think’ about it in the same way. They don’t understand what’s causing the pain, and they don’t understand why it hurts. This can make them very distressed. Dogs, on the other hand, often do experience pain in the same way as humans. One of the ways that cats can experience pain relief is by using a substance like cannabis. In fact, most human studies have found that cannabinoids, including THC and CBD, are extremely effective at treating pain in both humans and pets.
How To Give Your Cat Cannabis For Pain Relief
If your cat is suffering from pain, the first step is to identify the cause. It’s quite possible that a change in diet, a new medication, or stress from other factors could be causing your feline to feel pain. If you suspect that your cat is in pain, you can use an oil tincture or edibles to provide them with some pain relief. All you need is a small amount of cannabis to give your cat a few drops per day. The best way to get your cat to take the drops is to try different methods and find out what works best for them.
- Method #1: You can try putting drops in their favourite treat or cat food.
- Method #2: You can also try putting the drops in a spray bottle and providing it with water or a liquid food.
- Method #3: You can also try putting the drops in a tincture, which can be given to your cat via a dropper.
Some Basic Safety Tips For Giving Cannabis To Cats
- Start with a smaller dose: Cats are different from humans in many ways, including their reaction to cannabinoids. It’s important to start with a very small dose, and increase it very slowly.
- Avoid giving your cat raw flowers: The THC present in raw cannabis products can cause your cat to get ‘high’ and behave erratically.
- Don’t let your cat get ‘too high’: THC is broken down by the body, and is eventually excreted, so your cat won’t get ‘high’ for very long after consuming cannabis. The best approach is to keep the dose low, and avoid letting them get ‘too high’.
- Keep track of your cat’s behaviour: If your cat seems ‘too high’ or is experiencing behavioural changes, or is otherwise acting strangely, treat them and let them rest for a while.
- Stay away from products with high THC concentrations: These are more likely to cause your cat to get ‘high’.
Now that you know how beneficial cannabis can when it comes to relieving pain for both you and your kitty, it’s time to get started. Whether you want to give your cat cannabis oil, a tincture, or even edibles, there are many ways to get started. If you’d like to give your cat cannabis for pain relief, you need to start by finding the right strain of cannabis. You should look for one that is high in CBD and low in THC — as high in THC as possible can be harmful to cats and have harmful side effects. Visit online dispensary for all your cannabis needs.