Are Marijuana Edibles Better Than Smoking, Vaping, and Dabbing?
Are marijuana edibles better than smoking weed?
There are many ways to consume cannabis. You’re probably already familiar with vaping and smoking, which are the most popular ways to consume cannabis.
But have you tried marijuana edibles?
This blog will look at both smoking and weed edibles, answering questions such as:
What makes each of these consumption methods unique? Are weed edibles better than joints?
How does edible THC get absorbed in the body? Where can you buy edible marijuana online in Canada?
Understanding Marijuana Edibles
Marijuana edibles refer to food products that have been infused with cannabis.
Weed edibles exist in many forms, and you can easily buy weed gummies, candies, chocolates, etc. from the best online weed dispensary in Canada.
How Edible Marijuana Is Absorbed In The Body
When you take weed edibles with THC, for instance, the THC in them is broken down in the stomach and then absorbed into the blood via the intestines.
It then travels to the liver, where it undergoes first-pass metabolism. This process converts THC into 11-hydroxy-THC, a THC metabolite that is more potent than its precursor, THC.
11-hydroxy-THC then crosses the blood-brain barrier, causing the desired effects.
Because marijuana edibles have to be digested first, their effects often take longer to kick in than smoking and vaping.
How Long Do Edibles Last In The Body?
There are two ways to look at this issue. One, how long the effects of weed edibles will last in the body, and two, how long THC metabolites can remain detectable in the body.
As mentioned, marijuana edibles take longer to kick in. Generally, it may take up to two hours after consumption for you to start experiencing any effects.
Similarly, it takes longer for the body to get rid of weed edibles. This is because edible marijuana has to undergo the normal digestion and excretion process as any other food.
As a guide, you will experience the effects of weed edibles for between 2-4 hours, with some effects lasting for up to 12 hours.
The exact time the effects of weed edibles will last in the body will depend on factors such as:
- Body metabolism
Body metabolism determines how fast the body can eliminate the cannabinoids.
A faster metabolism means the cannabis compounds will be eliminated more quickly. Therefore, people with a higher metabolism will experience the effects for a shorter duration.
- Dosage
The more marijuana edibles you take, the more the effects will be felt for longer.
In this case, however, it’s not all about the number of edibles you take but the concentration of THC in them.
- Tolerance
People have varying levels of tolerance to cannabis compounds.
People with a lower tolerance may experience the effects for longer, even with low doses.
On the other hand, people with a high tolerance will need more edibles to experience the effects.
They may also experience the effects for a shorter period, even with high doses.
- THC Potency
How are the cannabinoids concentrated in your marijuana edible? Edibles with a high THC concentration will cause intense effects which will last longer.
- Body Sensitivity
Similar to tolerance, sensitivity to THC and other cannabinoids varies with individuals.
Lower sensitivity means intense and longer-lasting effects.
- Frequency of Use
Another factor that may influence how the effects of weed edibles last in your body is the frequency of use.
People who take marijuana edibles more often are likely to experience the effects for longer than the occasional user.
This is because THC being a lipid-soluble compound can accumulate in fat tissues at a faster rate than the body is able to eliminate it.
This can increase the concentration of these cannabinoids in the bloodstream, extending the duration of the effects.
How Long Can Cannabis Edibles Remain Detectable In Your Body?
It may take only a few hours for the effects of marijuana edibles to dissipate.
However, THC metabolites and other by-products may take days or even months to be fully eliminated from the body.
Drug tests often look for these metabolites and by-products.
Therefore, if you have a drug test coming up, it pays to know the various common drug tests and their THC detection windows.
- Urine Test
A 2017 study suggests that marijuana edibles may remain detectable in urine for the following amount of time after last use:
Single-use: 3 days
Up to 4 times per week: 5 to 7 days
Daily use: 10 to 15 days.
- Saliva Test
Saliva tests detect same-day marijuana edibles use and up to 3 days for heavy marijuana users.
- Blood Test
This usually detects recent cannabis use, generally within 2 to 12 hours after use. In some instances, cannabis use may remain detectable for up to 30 days later.
- Hair Test
These are the most sensitive tests and may detect cannabis use for up to three months later.
Please note that these guidelines refer to general cannabis use and are not specific to marijuana edibles.
How Many Edibles Should I Take?
Unlike other weed consumption methods such as smoking which act instantly, the effects of edible marijuana take longer to kick in.
You may, therefore, be tempted to take more edibles, thinking you have not taken enough. Bad idea!
Cannabis affects people differently, depending on factors such as tolerance, body metabolism, potency, etc.
Whenever trying out a new edible THC product, it’s advisable to start low, then gradually increase the uptake.
If a manufacturer has recommended 5mg of THC as the ideal dosage, it’s advisable to play safe and start with 2.5mg instead.
This is because there are instances of mislabeling and dosage misinformation. You, therefore, want to evaluate the effects of weed edibles before taking more.
This also explains why you should always buy your weed from the best online cannabis store in Canada.
The Low Price Bud carries the best marijuana edibles, accurately labeled and with the correct dosage guideline.
We also have a lot of informational blogs to guide you through your weed journey.
Eating vs Smoking Weed
Now that we know what marijuana edibles are and how they are absorbed into the body, how do they compare to smoking?
Just like vaping, smoking involves inhaling rather than ingesting cannabis.
When you smoke, the vapour goes directly to the lungs and into the brain. Smoking, therefore, delivers instant onset of effects.
While smoking is one of the oldest and most popular ways of taking cannabis, edibles are quickly catching up.
Let’s look at some of the reasons why some people prefer edible marijuana over smoking weed.
Pros of Edibles Over Smoking
- Discreet
Although people are slowly accepting cannabis as a healthy addition to their lives, there’s still a lot of stigma surrounding its use.
This has been fueled by many years of stereotypes and misinformation regarding weed and its effects on the body.
Marijuana edibles are a perfect alternative for anyone who would prefer a discreet and private way to indulge.
They are inconspicuous and odourless, making them suitable to use on the go.
Smoking, on the other hand, often produces a pungent smell making joints not suitable for some settings.
- Longer Lasting
Another benefit of weed edibles is that their effects last longer compared to smoking.
This makes them ideal, especially for medical marijuana patients who would prefer to experience relief for an extended period.
- Easy to Dose
Marijuana edibles often come with accurately indicated THC concentrations.
For instance, our Herbivore edibles – Ponderbar Chocolate Bars, each contain 50mg of THC.
This means that if you want to take 25mg of THC, all you have to do is to take half a bar.
- Generally Healthier & Safer
No smoke is involved in taking edibles. This eliminates the throat and lung irritation often associated with smoking.
Are Marijuana Edibles Better Than Smoking?
In cannabis, nothing is black or white. We, therefore, can’t conclusively say that one form is better than the other.
This is because so many factors come into play.
For one, while some people may prefer the discreetness of edible marijuana, others swear by the pungent and earthy flavour of smoking weed flower.
There’s also the joy of sharing a weed joint with friends around a bonfire on the weekend. Not to mention the quick onset of effects associated with smoking.
However, if you would prefer to avoid the flavour of weed in your mouth or the harsh smoke, edibles with THC are the ideal choice.
So should you take weed edibles or smoke a joint?
You don’t have to choose right away! You can experiment with both options, then pick the one that works best for you.
Buy Budget Buds Online In Canada
Whether you are looking for marijuana edibles, flower joints or vape devices, the Low Price Bud got you covered.
Like our name suggests, we carry quality weed products at the lowest prices possible.
We offer mail-order delivery services throughout Canada, so you don’t ever have to leave your home for weed!
What are you waiting for? Order marijuana edibles or any other weed product from the best online weed dispensary in Canada, and we’ll get it to you!